We shifted my 30 year old sister to this hospital after being confirmed to have sepsis at jolly grant hospital. I must say if you have somebody critical in your family and you want them to die after paying everything to this hospital cum robber institute, please bring them here.
So we shifted her here in ICU and for two days they treated her as high risk patient, put multiple filters that single one worth more than 1 lacs each. Everytime there use to be a new doctor on visit and every single one have their own story and own suggestions to burn your money out. After two days they did CT scan and said she developed gangrene and they have to do a high risk surgery with all risk on us. we agreed for that as well. They claimed that this gangrene is source of infection and once they will remove it, blood infection shouldnt occur again. Somehow they performed surgery(atleast what they claim) but mentioned that patient will still be at high risk until her body recover itself. Next day again same process started, there were new doctor everytime with new filter suggestions.
And after 2-3 days they again said she is not improving, they doubt that something else getting developed, they are trying their best. On 4 day, I went to see her, she was on support but stable and later they said that they are planning to shift her to different ICU because now its surgeons case. Next morning they said that infection has gotten worst and spreading to every where in lungs, brain etc. when we said that they mentioned that after surgery it will not spread because gangrene seems to be source of infection, they changed their statement saying it was other way round, sepsis caused gangrene and surgery had nothing to do with to stop sepsis.
We were standing numb there, I tried contacting senior surgeon who use to update us everyday and promised to talk anytime if we have any query, he denied talking saying that he cant talk a patients attendance again and again. They didnt let any of us see her that whole day till they finally called us in the evening to tell us that she is no more.
We were standing there after spending all of our hard earn money on their treatments, they costed us around 20 lacs for that one week and still couldnt save her. Some relatives doubt that she might passed away night earlier and thats why they didnt allow us to see her next day and keep on looting money on the name of treatment atleast for a day as when we opened her body before last rituals(like 15-16 hr after death), it already started decomposing which made us think that she might passed away earlier than they claim.
I am not sure whether their treatments were right or not. But I felt their whole staff very careless and rude. Everytime I use to talk to a doctor they didnt seem to be treating a high risk patient, neither they were looking to do anything out of the box to save her. They were not willing to talk to answer our query and their staff was so bad that when we went on to see her corpse last time, they were like only one person will be allowed at a time. Can you imagine a father or mother could handle themselves alone when seeing their childs dead body. We pleed to let us go with them to control them and they were motionless, its when my cousin shouted on them saying would you be behaving same if it would happened in to your family.
This hospital is just their way to rob people in day light by luring them with big brand name/ advanced machinery setup but the truth is behind the curtain they have unskilled and unprofessional doctors and team.
I know we cant do anything to them as they make all documentation perfectly with no clue of their mistakes but it is, we who know what happened. It is been month and we are still trying to copup with it. My parent and her husband are at worst right now. IF THERE IS GOD IN THIS WORLD AND IF THESE PEOPLE ARE GUILTY, I AM HOPING JUSTICE WILL BE DONE SOMEWHERE BY GOD.