I have submitted my Partial Hospitalization Claim after my Corporate coverage to check how was MEdibuddy when it comes to personal Mediclaim Reimbursement process, They have all the techique stuff of a mobile app and electronic documents but they will stick to hard copies, which is fine but they do not have syncronization amongst their internal departmental communications You keep sending your documents and they keep sending you the templatised response of still document pending . After all the pain if you manage to provide everything they want they will come back with a clause of pre-existing diseases and reject your claim and they are very smart they will wait for you to renew your yearly premium so that do not loose their revenue for the upcoming year . The process I experience took me 5 months with a final rejection email stating it is a pre exisiting diseases and I have been hospitalised first time in my life of 46years so they are good in their way of decieving you no matter how you provide detailed documents . I was a type 2 diabetes detected 3 years back and was on regular medication and medical evaluation voluntarily and with no negative medical report reported so far . I provided them my treating doctors report and all other medical report on my medical history . I did not made a full claim I made a partial claim post my corporate coverage and that also they rejected stating it is a pre existing disease I had a cardiac attack and it was a pre existing diseases how I could not understand, it is more like those sophisticating frauds who are white collared deceiver and are not tracked by the legal system as they have technical terminologies which common people like us are falling prey . They sell Mediclaim take a hefty premium of Rs. 45K annually and when it comes for actual support they will move their hand by using finer legal and medical terms which common people will not understand and dare to challenge them back .
My earnest request to all individuals who reads my review please do not go for such Mediclaim Policies who promises the world and give you a rejection when it comes to actual support
& my humble petition to the Govt. of India to help the common people who runs your Economy as we are now the highest tax payers higher then your Corporate so you should think about our Money being safe gaurded from such Frauds .