Medimix Transparent, a green bar with Lakshadi oil is soap with a difference. Traditionally, Meximix soaps are known to be Ayurvedic ones. But, this one is not. This only has an Ayurvedic ingredient, viz., Lakshadi Oil in it. Its fresh fragrance and a copious lather it generates will leave a feeling of a perfect and refreshing bath.
A 125 gram pack of this soap costs Rs.43 and it is cheaper than many other transparent, glycerine soaps available in the market.
Quality-wise also, this is not inferior to any soap. In fact, this is superior to so many other soaps in the market, since it contains Lakshadi tailam(oil), which is an ayurvedic formulation of many ingredients like lac, gingelly oil and the watery fluid extracted from curds, mixed with at least 9 other herbs(1. sandal powder, 2. atimadhuram i.e., liquorice, 3. Thungamustalu i.e., Nut grass, Nut sedge or the latin name Cyperus Rotundus 4. Turmeric 5. Saunf 6. chengalva kostu i.e., Saussurea auriculata 7. Renukalu 8. Katuka rohini i.e., Picrorhiza-kurrao 9. Grandhi tagaram). There is a strenuous procedure to prepare this mixture to get ultimately the Lakshadi oil, which is quite useful for the body. For infants particularly, massaging their body with this oil prior to bath will ensures a good health and sound sleep. It also increases the memory power of the children.
Lakshadi tailam benefits are explained in detail by Dr. T. Venugopala Rao, MD in YouTube.
Now that no one has the patience to prepare such mixtures and massage one’s body before bath, Medimix Transparent soap with glycerin and Lakshadi Oil comes in handy.
In view of the benefits that can be derived out of Lakshadi Oil application on the body, I feel that this soap is a good one for every one for regular bath.
Normally, these transparent soaps of cheap variety get dissolved fast and go out of shape after half of the soap bar has been used, but Medimix transparent does not pertain to that category. It is in solid shape till the last bit of it is used.
Besides being manufactured in India and by an Indian company, Medimix Transparent has other advantages too. It contains no animal fat in it and is made with non-alcoholic base.
Whereas ‘Be Indian, buy Indian’ is an oft-repeated slogan in India, there are only a few who follow it. It is easy to say, but difficult to follow, because many of the soaps made in India are not up to the mark. But, this soap is an exemplary one and gives the MNCs a run for their money. If the same quality and price is maintained, it is going to build a good customer base in the not so distant future.