Well I couldnt stay away for long..and am back!!!
i finished this book just yesterday.And have a mixed feeling about it.This is the first one by the author(i guess)and I found it on the Best Sellers section at the Corner Book Store at Defence Colony(New Delhi).The sub title of the book again appeared to be interesting...a story about love and life in a management school.This is yet again, a writers endevour to bring out the details of life in a hostel and all the fun and frolick that comes with it!!!(allthough it appears to be a complete fiction for people like me who have the first hand info of hostel life.)
Well I somehow felt a line of similarity between Chetab Bhagats Five Point Someone and this book.Though the book does have quite a few dissimilarities.It begines with the perfect discription of a normal Delhi Univ. students life!!! I could exactlly relate to all the aimlessness of the life in the North Delhi campus!!!But then I wonder if a student of SRCC can afford to be that unfoccused!!!!But then since the story talks of the 80s...benifit of doubt!!!
The story goes on to Abbeys admission to JIM for MBA...by default!!!And as I always hate to disclose the story-line in my reviews..u better read it to understand!!!
The best thing bout the novel I must say is its TITLE!!!...for all those who still dint notice...Mediocre But Arrogant....stands for MBA...what a perfect description for all those who believe that just having a degree of MBA makes them big shot..hey guy...u need to read this one!!
Well I would recomment it to those who like to read light humored novels written in simple language.But yes if u r looking for anything deep and intense...may be this wouldnt reach upto the mark.Sometimes in the book one wonders at the extent of fiction and the imagination of the writer.
Again the confusion and complexities of relationships.The novel highlights the inability of Men to understand their mistakes in relationships.And I wonder why the novelist has mentioned all those incidents???to mock at men or does he still not see sense in his faults???For all those whos boy friends dont understand why the girl is upset...this ones a must read and a must share with ur boys!!!
The book makes me soooo nostalgic with the discription of the hanging out with gang of friends, the song singings with (my)guitar, the back bitchings, the low percentages and fight for higher grades, the nick names for teachers, etc etc...(gosh Ambala sucks!!!)
Well theres nothing much to say about it.But then considering it to be his first attempt...i would congratulate Bhaduri for his efforts.
PS:- Q quote from the book...MBA seems to be the best national pass time for the youth now a days