Viewers, My self Pramod kumar would like to tell you all about my visiting experience at Meerut city. It was a official visit which took me to Meerut city. Which is hardly 2 hrs from Gurgaon. We stayed in a Hotel provide by our company. We reached there on 23rd December17 & stayed for 3 days due to meetings in between.
One day we got some chance to visit this city. We personally feel that the conditions of this city is very bad, Not a peaceful city to live on. Most of the peoplers are of Momdans which have the intense to quarreled as they used to of this. Roads condditions very bad, it all arounds holes. Drainage sysytem as we heard also very poor.
Its not a safe city to stay even the hotels, so we locked our Rooms properly. as your Luggages also get theft. Greenery at few places. Peoples dont want to move out side after 8 - 9 PM, not safe spl for ladies. Mosquoties Breedings are the main qualities of Meerut city.
No such famous place to visit on. No local conveyance available here, we have our own car thats why we move towards city otherwise it was not possible to go. My some relative are staying out here but as per them they are compelled to stay as children are studying, & shifting at this position not possible.