Gaylord Fockner <chuckling> at the name is a male nurse in love with
Pam. In desperate measures to ask her to marry him, he finds out that
he has to meet her parents. Pam says daddy is nothing to worry about.
Gaylord, who goes by Greg most of the movie till his name is revealed,
thinks okay, no sweat to this.
While at Pam parents home, her sister is getting engaged, and therefore
Gaylord was hoping to use this opportunity to ask the father for permission
to marry Pam.
Jack, Pams father, never found anything good in any of the guys she has dated
except one. He has this way of making all of them into this faulty person. Well
when Gaylord broke the urn that Jacks mother was in at dinner that night, it
was just beginning. Gaylord started screwing up everything he did, said or
was thinking.
All the while Jack was at his every move. Now the airport has lost Jacks one
and only suitcase, of course with all his personal belongings. Including the
ring he had for Pam. In once incident he has to wear her younger brothers
clothes to go to the rehearsal for the wedding. Dressed as a thug he
gets hammered by Jack, and in the same instance Gaylord is reaching in
the coat pocket <of Pams brothers coat he was wearing, Jack grabs this
thing out of his hand, to learn it is a marijuana smoking tool. Now Jack has
gotten mad, he has told all the family, and Gaylord gets the evil eye stare
from all of them.
Along the course of the movie, Gaylord, loses the family cat, Jinx, finds
another and spray paints him, burns the altar made by Pams ex-boyfriend,
Jacks favorite. Gaylord had made up some stories about himself through
out the film, most of these were played out of context to the extreme.
Gaylord thinks that Jack is hiding information, and Jack is digging in the
background of this male nurse. This is when they find out that Greg is
Im not going to give you all the best points, I dont want to ruin the fun for you.
The story ends in a happy ending, all is done in good taste and that will shine on
all of them.
Go see it for yourself, you will laugh and laugh on this
Gaylord Fockner played by Ben Stiller
Pam played by Teri Polo
Jack Byrnes playbe by Robert De Niro