Mega Mart new offer buy 3 get 3 is only to rip your money with fake discounts. Actually there is no discounts. Similar product in other stores will cost less than the price quoted in Mega mart.
Last week I brought tshirts from this store and later regretted the way it is billed and its quality. If you take 6 products(buy 3 get 3), they will charge for 3 products with high value and do not charge for other 3. From outer view it sounds good and you think you got a good deal. But it is not.
If you compare the same brand or similar product in another branded store you will find all that you brought are priced less than Mega Mart. All the dress materials are over priced. However if you want to buy any thing from Mega mart(if you have no choice) then it is recommended to choose your required dresses and then take the free(which is not) dress that costs less than the one that you picked up.
Please dont be tempted with the offers or what the sales persons suggest. Because it is not the true value. Mega Mart is a Mega RIP OFF Mart!!