I became a huge fan of ROBIN SHARMA after reading "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari". By far he is the best author for self help books. The ideas, the things represented in the book are really very awesome and pretty helpful to the reader.
I have read almost all books from Robin Sharma, but this book has something very special about it. Its kind of rejuvanating life at its fullest, feels like a complete change in life after reading this. Its like washes away the dirt and introduces you to ur inner soul.
This book entails minute reading quotes which foster us with great confidence, optimistic energy needed to achieve the targets of the daily goals.
Further, its not just about one aspect of life, it is a motivational minute for every problem and situation that you face whether in your personal or professional life.
Its a wonderful book meant to be re-read and carried along with you so that you can lift yourself because sometimes no matter what you do, you have to walk alone and this book wont make you feel that. Robin Sharma guides us like a true father! 5 stars to this wonderful book embellished with brilliant quotes! Must read!