The movies revolves around a character who is an alien called Megamind. He plays a negative character who turns into a hero. The story tells about two kids (both aliens) who come on the earth to seek their destiny. Metroman- the kid with superpowers turns into a hero owing to the upbringing he receives from his pseudo family and surrounding. The other kid Megamind- though not with superpowers but with highly developed brain and intelligence( Though most of the time it backfires) turns into a negative character because of the treatment he receives from surrounding.
After lots of efforts Megamind somehow manages to kill Metroman. After the departure of Metroman he realizes how worthless a villains life is without a hero. So, he creates a hero and what next? Plan again back fires and his creation tuns into a villain. Roxanne Ritchi- a reporter like in superman and Shaktiman (If you have heard of ) is lady lead and inspires Megamind to become good. Now when Metroman is not in picture and Megamind ..Ammm..somewhat good at heart discovers a hero inside him and takes the initiative to save Metro city and his lady love who is abducted by the real villain Titan. There is one more turn in the movie when Megamind and Miss Ritchi finds Metroman ..Alive and hidden (kind of running from his responsibilities) but he refuses to become Saviour again.
Perhaps I dont need to mention that apparently Megamind succeeds in saving Metro city and his love. Good plot, good comic characters, nicely edited and to the point movie though lacks in special effects but never mind I will give thumbs up to the movie which carries a moral that its not the situation and circumstances which derives you its what you believe in.