Adolf Hitler, in this long, yet easy to read book, give us his political manifesto, his goals, and the way to achieve them.
Unlike what many ignorant people will tell you, this book doesnt mention any kind of murder or genocide plan, however, it does mention several facts against the jews. Personally, I have a revisionist opinion regarding the Holocau$t, but thats a different story.
Many people will tell you many things about Hitler, and the National Socialist German Workers Party, however, most of them will be false opinions created by the enemy (Allied) propaganda. The best way to understand Hitler, is by reading and understanding him, not some third-party book about him.
The book is divided in 2 parts, first, the Führer will give you an introduction to the way things were in Germany (and Austria), and of course, hell tell a little bit about his life as a kid in Austria, and then in Germany, as a brave soldier in WWI, and how he understood that communism was related to the jews, and how both were Germanys biggest enemies.
The second part, is basically about the party, and the party views. Hitler will analyze several aspects of life and society, and suggest the best possible ways to solve those problems.
I said it is an easy to read book, maybe I should explain that a little more... Sure, it is easy to read, but when you do it, you must try to keep a cool head, because it is hard to think about Hitler and National Socialism without thinking about Anne Frank, Schindlers list or any of the propaganda that we know so well... If you manage to keep a cool head, and you try to read this book as if you were reading the newspaper, or as if you didny know who wrote it, you might realize that, Hitler is not the evil imbecile the media tries to portray, and that most of the things (I think all of them, but that might be a personal view) he says, are true or very accurate... Try to do it, and youll be surprised.
Just so you know: Ive read several books about WWII, Ive done a great research about the subject, so I can say one thing: I admire Hitler, and this is the best way to know him.