Gents and ladies
I have been suffering from Vitligo since last 2 years and have been on regular treatment with this clinic
I have taken all types of medicines and lotions and creams prescribed by dr
I stay in overseas country and ysed to take consultation on skype @ 1500 rupees
Off Late I was surprised to hear that the price charged now was 100 us$
I would have paid but the treatment is absolutely useless
I informed dr holla and his team about it and showed in happiness, they were not supportive at all
I threatened him to be taken to consumer court
Now the dr is probably afraid of his repute that he doesnt even want to sell medicines to me
I bought a vitiligo lamp also from him and some concealers which have now been consumed
Now I want to buy a concealer but the staff is not responding
This dr is useless
You will be wasting your precious time and money