Do you like to get completely involved in a movie? Do you like to get inside a characters head? Do you like a movie to linger on in your memory for days to come? I can say one thing for sure that if I had read a review and gone to see the movie it would have taken off quite some sheen of it. Then you have got to see this movie and stop reading the review. Its not that I am revealing anything but I like to figure out things for myself and memento gives you a lot of pieces to fit together.
The basic plot can be categorized as a thriller. But its the story telling that has broken all moulds. Well its about a man who loses his ability to form short term memories and hence is going through a maze. He is looking for the murderer of his wife. To keep track of things he maintains tattoos and pictures of people he met. Does he manage to track down his wifes murderer? We will never know. The movie is about subjective truth and it leaves us in the end with no answer.
Director Christopher Nolan is brilliant. Guy peirce as the protagonist is also brilliant. Together they make you feel as disoriented and confused as the protagonist. The director succeeds to take you into the characters mind. The movie is a must see for all movie buffs.