Intro -
Friends - this is the movie review of "Memento" - and Aamir Khans Ghajini is the bollywood adaptation of this movie. Ghajini was already released in Tamil. Memento is quite a complex movie and left the audience confused and stunned and I am keen to watch the Bollywood adaptation. Might be this review will help you to have an overall idea about the overall theme of the movie.
Flash Back -
"Derivation is easy but I cant crack the nut of Integration" - I always used to cry to Shirley MaM our Mathematics Professor!
Once she told me - "Sajit, I think you have some disease. Something like Anterograde Amnesia. Better consult a neuro surgeon. Otherwise, I dont understand the reason why a person good at derivation find integration difficult"
I was quite curious to explore more aboutAnterograde Amnesia! I have approached my friends opted for Zoology but they have not heard of anything of that sort. Finally, it was Meera, the brightest Literature Student who gave me some information. She got me a short story "Memento Mori" written by Jonathan Nolan where in the hero is having Anterograde Amnesia!
So, the disease is all about brains failure to reigster memories or Total or Partial Loss of memories. This review is a tribute to Shirley Mam and Meera because of whom I read this book and subesequently saw the cinematic adaptation. For the first time I found the movie is better than the original story - I will take you through my experiences.
Movie Plot -
The movie based on this story was released in 2000, Starring Guy Edward Pearce (As Leonard Shelby, who was the victim of Anterograde Amnesia). I remember reading somewhere that Brad Pitt was about the play this character but didnot work out due to his hectic schedule.
Leonard is an Insurance Fraud Investigator married to Catherine
Catherine is brutally raped and murdered by two men. Where as Leonard could shoot one down, the second one ambushed him from back and his head hit hard on the mirror and this injury lead him to Anterograde Amnesia where in he fails to register memories. What ever he experiences, he will forget in a few minutes
He is all set to trace the murderer but he is severely handicapped
Now, he has to fight with the disease - So, he started registering important facts and messages on his body through tattoos and started taking poloaroid photographs (Remember Aamir Khan in Promos with head injury turned to new hair style and with full of tattoos on body)
How far Leonard could succeed fighting against the trauma (psychological and physiological) he is having? Memento will take you through his stunning journey!
I would give 100% score on the following -
a) Directors Craftsmanship
Memento is a head spinning adventure where in the spectators will be forced to experience the trauma of "Anterograde Amnesia". Scared? Let me tell you how!
The films plot is revealed in Colour and Black and White.
The black and white sequence is shown in logical chronological order and colour sequences are shown in reverse chronological order. Both colour and black and white sequences appear in a set pattern in logically opposite order - which will bewilder the spectators.
This is a very calculative strategy by Director where in the spectators will be taken through the trauma of Leornard!
Believe me - I was totally empathetic to his trauma with in the first 30 minutes of the movie! Salute to the craftsmanship of the director!
b) Music Score - The theme music is composed by David Julyan and the distinct music use in color and black and white shots depicts the "sense of lost" "sense of not knowing what you lost" --
Will it be too much if I say - I was moved to this extent only when I heard to the score of Beethoven when he composed "Emporer" (where in the music takes you through the trauma of loss of hearing)
c) The entire crew of the movie would have put their heart and soul to make it as one of the most perfect cinematically made movie. The slightest slip would have downgraded this movie to the level of "brain draining" / "dark puzzles". Even if it is dealing with trauma and violence, interestingly the movie is a 100% entertainer. I was on my toes to watch - what next?
d) I have seen Guy Pearce in this movie only and he was amazing. Very powerful and intense screen presence.
I have not seen the Tamil Movie "Ghajini" where in Surya played the Protoganists role. Ofcourse, I am anxiously waiting for the Bollywood adaptation. I am sure - it will not ape the Hollywood as none of the producers can think of taking chance at the expense of commercial success. But, altogether - its my gut feel that the movie might give you a different cinematic experience. (Ofcourse, light hearted gentlemen and ladies who hate violence and trauma might avoid the movie).
Another seven days to go and if some one want to watch the original - do take your chance. Its worth!