Although this movie had been out for a long time, it is one of the best and most explicit service related movies that I have seen. It is not a war movie, but very action filled. It kept me squirming in my seat throughout the movie.
MEN OF HONOR, is a movie about prejudice in the armed services during and after World War II. Robert DeNiro was excellent as Billy Sunday, a racist, master diver in the U.S. Navy who because of his own poor health has been reassigned as an instructor. You love him and hate him at the same time. He starts out tough with Carl Breshar, but in the long run ends up coming to his aid and also becoming his friend.
CARL BRESHAR is played by Cuba Gooding Jr. The true life story follows Breshar from a young - to a middle aged man who is determined, stubborn and proud. His greatest dream is to also become a Master Diver. His grit and guts earn him the respect of his fellow navy men, but, naturally, not without problems.
This movie made me patriotic and proud, and I applauded along with the rest of the audience as both Billy Sunday and Carl Breshear overcome their own personal demons. The fact that there was no onscreen sex made this movie very enjoyable for me, and during the underwater scenes I thought my own lungs would burst.
I would recommend this movie to anyone over 13 who enjoys action adventure movies and is not offended by foul language.