What to say! Something’s are better not said. Isn’t it? But when u r on MS, u better express. Usually u will find that my reviews are not too long, and this one wont be a exception.
This flick is not much awaited one. But since I am a big movie buff, and watch all movie releases, there was no point leaving this one.
The movie is about a typical Indian housewife, whoz hubby dont like her to sing publicly. And to worsen the things he is also cheating on her. She starts imagining a guy in her life, who also helps her following her dream of making big in music industry.
A good plot, wasted by some poor direction, average acting, pathetic cinematography and unfit ( sorry but I did’t get better word) music. This movie is perhaps one of the worst direction I have seen in my life, and mix it with some funny dialog and what u get is called “Mere khawaboo mai jo aaye”.
One of the worst scene I remember is when Raima Sen’s aunty tells her what kind of tenant she wants. Seriously it looks like she is looking for a hubby, not tenant. Awful…Talk of average acting, and again u have hit a “Bingo”. Randeep Hooda, I liked him since I first saw him in “D”, then “Risk”, he was too good. Even “Ru Ba Ru” was what I call a strong performance.
But his performance here is totally wasted , the costumes he wore throughout the movie, dialog he delivered were bad, even it looked like he is overacting at times. Overall a very ordinary performance. Raima Sen, I personally never have liked Raima for her acting, except for “Chokar Bali”. And after this one, my views about her are reinforced. Nothing great about her acting here too. But atleast she is not overacting, so overall a sober performance.
Arbaz Khan, I feel pity for this chap. I guess he is not stereotyped for a non loyal hubby. Look at “ Woodstock Villa”, “Hello”, “Fashion”, “Bhagam Bhag”, “Dus Kahania”, and now this…I mean come on guys, this guy can act( atleast he does not over act like his brothers do, sorry to Salman Khan, and Soahil Khan fans). Again the diro was’t able to use the abilities of Arbaz…A complete waste.
Now we come to Music. Overall the Music was unfit but ok. There was a disconnect between what the script demanded and what was delivered. The script always said “Rock Band” whereas the music was noway near to be even thought as “Rock”. Though the lyrics were good, but it was wasted by bad music. I am sorry again to say that I was disappointed. In a movie which is based on Music, atleast the musical part should blaze.
Overall 1.5/5.0 from my side. I again would say that it could have been a interesting movie, if a lot of things were done correctly. But then…..
Some of the most foolish scene:
When Raima sens aunt explains what kind of tenant she wants.
The concept of Men wearing "Fur".( Why was this needed?)
Randeep Huda doing exercise and counting “ ONE MILLION ONE, ONE MILLION TWO”….( Undertaker will have a complex, when he will listen to this….)
The fact that she is so perfect with her singing, even then noone likes her singing....
Randeep Hudda trying to act like Jim Carry "The Mask", James Bond....yakkkkkzzzz.....
Everyone behaving so normally even when Arbaz has left Raima.
A rock Band Singing something which has nothing to do with Rock at all.....( I mean what kind of Rock Band it is...)