In the present day scenario where elections are on our neck, most of the films are being politicised to attract people from certain political party supporters. But this movie came & stood out to be one of its kind where director took an actual social cause which is prevailing even in this modren India. Its about open excrement in Mumbai slum area which can actually lead to asphyxiation.
An eight years old boy, Kanhu writes a letter to Prime minister after he decides to build a washroom for his mother post his mother was physically harrased in the night as she goes out to pass off . Anjali Patil ( Sargam) who played the role of Kanhu's mom , a national award winner & could well bring out with social awareness subjects, was absolute plus to the movie as she could establish the relationship between a mother & son such devinely.
Om Kanojiya's ( Kanhu) role was absolute treat to watch because he could melt our hearts while traveling PMO to hand over letter to PM. Production values are high. Back ground score added life to the situations & could make audience to be heart felt. Direction was fine despite some screenplay glitches. If you are interested to watch a sensible movie this weekend.Then go for it