I have worked for this organisation for quite some time . They are the worst employers . believe me . They treat an employee as a labourer who for them should work as a slave with no expectations.
Under the leadership of Mr Bikash Lohia the whole management is bunch of highly unproffesional People .
No job security u can be chucked out of this company in matters of few hours. without any prior notice, or any kind of formal or informal warnings. One day u will come to office treating it as a routine day, 1-2 hours before the scheduled day end u might get a termination letter. Forget your last months salary completly. Management will never give u anexcuse for y they are terminatingu. There is no fixed salary day date in this organisation . u will be very lucky get ur salary on 10th however the date can go upto 18 -20thof the next month.
Overall I must mention I have rated them with 1 STAR just because thereis no negative rating facility here.
Trust me This organisation is full of highly unproffessional people. Their office might appear impressive however its a LOSS making company .since the day of its inception