As I was alluded from my uncle I got a few offers, that is the reason I utilized this administration else I would not utilize it. As I utilized this taxi administration for flying out from my home to film theater.
I was knowing the street I let him know the course yet at the same time he didnt hear me out and took the long course which is almost 3-4kms more than the course which I recommended. I was thinking while voyaging that now he will take my course, now he will take my course yet 50% of the travel was done and I got some information about the course so he let me know that the course you proposed that is bad. By organization arrangement the driver needs to take the course which I pick so how he picked the course which he needed, after at some point I review that the course he picked is having a larger number of kms than the course which I suggested.At returning time I picked taxicab from other administration supplier and the street which I let him know before was fine, implies the Meru taxi driver deliberately did that.
Im telling this point in light of the fact that meru have higher rates than anybody in the business sector, which are not reasonable for normal open. They have rates like 30rs/km while others having 8-12rs/km.
Meru is excessively costly and the experience which I got from Meru that was appalling.