The general rule of any business where competitors exist is to match the product/service if not better. The guys at Meru are yet to figure out this part of the equation. Meru has turned our family down on a couple of critical occasions.(Not to mention the non-critical ones). They suddenly do not turn up at 2:00 am for a 5:00 am flight when there is a single lady traveling.
They neither call not message that the car has been canceled providing you with an opportunity to arrange for transport. They do not turn up when you have an appointment with the doctors. These are just instances of Merus attitude towards the customer.
Their competition (Mega, Easy et all) are better. They do have the occasional cancellation but have the courtesy to inform the customer about the same which is some respite in a situation. Meru....shame on you. The staff at the booking center should be taken to task for their appalling service.