This has happened twice-- they take the payment by card with lot of persuasion and then inform that due to network issue card did not work. As much as you explain the driver will not leave without cash.As soon as you pay the cash driver moves the car.
You will receive the sms from bank that amount has been deducted within 5 mins. Once you call and ask the cab driver to return the cash first he will not agree. When you will tell him that I would lodge a complain he will mention is has gone too far to come back.
Then you will keep calling the MERU cab customer care and they keep telling you number of days it will take to resolve, once those many days are gone then answer is changed to next day everyday. You would curse yourself for using the service and better then so much of humiliation you would prefer to forget about your loss.
12 days since complain lodged in MERU for taking double payment with cash as well as card mentioning that card did not work. Calling them regularly with NO RESOLUTION.
Highly expensive with weird divers and pathetic customer care center.