Well, where do I start? I booked a Meru cab(Genie) for my ride back home from office. I did so to try Meru for the first time as they announced 50% off on the first ride. Ask me how it was? It was fine. Just that there were multiple things which were not right.
The cab driver started the trip meter on his app few minutes before I got in the cab.(Am not that stupid not to notice that.)
He stopped to pick-me up a little further away from the pick-up point I asked him to pick me, so I had to walk some distance.(Excusable.)
He didnt put on his seat belt all along the ride.(Traffic rule violation.)
He was using his mobile phone for some personal call while driving.(Unexcusable traffic violation, compromising passenger safety!)
He had no idea how to operate the app on his phone while ending the trip and receiving payment, wasting my time at the end of trip.(Train your drivers Meru, for gods sake!)
The cab doesnt have a side-mirror!(I want to live Meru)
Now at the end about the great Meru app, I prebooked my ride for 0955 in the morning and I get a message with information 20 minutes prior saying that there is a surcharge of Rs.50 for booking before 1000. So what was I supposed to do if they dont inform me that when I made the booking?! If that was informed while the booking was made I would have rescheduled by some 10 minutes. But as they infomed just 20 minutes before the trip I had no choice but take the cab!
So well done Meru.! You s*ck.