Director stretched the Metro lifestyle too far. After watching this movie people may just doubt all relationships. We do stay in metros, but does this actually happen in a middle class metro life. Do a large% of people are into broken relationship and extra marital affair? If you go by the name of the movie “Life in Metro”, it sounds more like a documentary. You look forward to see a bit of reality, all characters/couples displayed in the movie seem to cheating one or other, it is all about sex? At least director could have spared “dada” - “dadi”(grand parents – Nafisa ali and Dharmendra) at least. What about other aspects of a Metro, the stress, the competition, the inflation. Sex sells that is what is portrayed, audience are not interested in knowing how difficult it is to survive in a metro with all kinds of problems like traffic, inflation, sky touching property rates, pollution. Change the name of the movie if you wish and call this movie “Sex in Metros”. “Life in metro” doesn’t seem appropriate because it didn’t focus on other aspects.
Think about it, a girl who comes from a small town to a metro to work. Think about her parents in a small town, what are they going to think after watching this movie.
Nothing wrong with direction, script writing, dialogues, comedy all excellent. Total entertainer movie. No doubt. The movie didn’t leave me stressed(unlike Shootout in Lohkhandwala), had a happy ending with good humor. No comments on the acting all did very well
Watch it as a fiction, don’t relate it to reality, don’t think too much. And most importantly -> Don’t start doubting your spouse.
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