I was a regular customer of Metro Cash and Carry, Kolkata for almost two years. They always offer some good deals. I found out that the total savings on my grocery of Rs. 2000/- is around Rs. 200/- more than my local grocery store. Woh oh.stop stop. Yes we all know its good. What did you disliked in this Shopping Centre then?
Nooo. those are what I thought but the reality was something else. I will now tell you how my suspicion became reality.
Every time while shopping I used to take mental notes of the offer price of items I am buying and sum it. But during checkout everytime my final bill amount would be around Rs. 300/- to Rs. 500/- extra. Scrutinizing all the items of the bill was not practically feasable everytime since grocery items totals to a lot.
Initially I thought may be I was calculating erroneously. But one day a friend of mine found out some discrepency in his bill and found out that an item was over charged.
Next month when I visited I scrutinized my bill just after the billing was done. Bingo. I found out a product Meswak Toothpaste which have MRP of Rs.45/- and offer price of Rs. 40/- was actually charged Rs. 168/- in the bill. When I approached customer service desk they imnediately took back the product and gave me a credit slip to be adjusted in the next bill. They told it was a clerical error which I really believed then.
Next month when I visited I was extra cautious. I took photographs of the price tag of all the products I bought. Just after billing I tallied all the photographs and my final bill. O my God. They did the same thing again. This time I found discrepancies in price of two products. When I told about this to their service desk they quickly gave me a free item of the difference amount.
But what is happening ? This means what I thought of offers for the last two years was actually a mistake or they are doing it on daily basis and was a lie? I travelled a few kilometers burning fuel and energy to shop here only to save a few bucks.
Its not possible for me or anybody to tally hundred of items each time I shop. It was simply a breach of trust.
As far as I remember that was the last time I visited them. Recently I heard a similar incident from a near relation of mine.
So beware shoppers who are visiting Metro Cash and Carry, Kolkata ( Barakhola) .
Even if it is one rupee you may give it to anyone you like but to steal it from you is not acceptable.