Hey Guys, I have a Ford Figo Titanium (Diesel) which is about 4-5 months old now. I bought it from Metro Ford Bangalore. I think the people who have written good reviews about Metro Ford have been lucky that they have not been cheated.
The fact is Ford is a decent car but their servicing especially at Metro Ford is disgusting to say the least. If possible, as long as you are in Bangalore dont but a FORD or at least ensure that you dont give it to Metro Ford for servicing.
Once you give your car to them for whatever reason they will ensure that you visit them again & again! You car parts will slowly start mal-functioning and you will have no choice but to keep it at the servicing station month after month. Metro Ford will not take any responsibility of handing over your car back in prime condition.
Forget about rectifying the damage you will realize that they have caused new damages to your car! Kindly stay away from Metro Ford to keep your car in good condition.
Better still stick to buying a Maruti / Honda / Volkswagen for a better experience!