Metro Net (bell tele services india pvt ltd), situated in MG Road, Mitaal Towers is giving corporate plans and retail plans to customers. for retail plans they take help of local cable operator. They drop their lines till cable operator and onwards local distribution is done by cable operator.
I am victim of Metro Net. They advertised that for Rs 999 you will get 10Mbps connection with 50GB download.
I took this connection for first 3 weeks I got good speed of 9.5 upload and 9.5 download. All of sudden a big change happen now I am getting 0.2 Mbps to 3 Mbps. Once we call them they blame cable operator whereas the problem is in Meto itself.
If you ask them they cleverly say that the connection is 1:4 that mean 4 people has to share same bandwidth . Sometime they say u will get 1: 10. Actually we should sue in consumer court for giving false advertisement and making customers fool. Dont rely on them