This stupid Metronet is being run by the biggest group of cheats and frauds. I was using Spectranet for more than a year, but changed to Metronet in September due to lower costs. I chose the 2 mbps unlimited plan for Rs 1500 per month. It was working well for 10 to 12 days, then the issues started.
The down-times were much more than the up-times, but whenever it was working, I used to get 2 mbps upload and download speed. The issue got resolved during mid-October, and it was working well until the beginning of November. Then the REAL problems started. Although mine was supposed to be a 2 mbps connection, I used to get only around 1 mbps most of the time.
When I called Metronet to ask them, they told me that it is 1: 4 shared ratio, so for a 2 mbps connection, their minimum guarantee is only 512 kbps and 2mbps is the maximum. Further, they even said that during peak hours, the 1 mbps which im getting is good, because they only guarantee 512 kbps.
This is ridiculous. 2 am and 3 am are not what I would call peak hours. It gradually became worse, and today, I get the full speed of 2 mbps only for 1 hour per week. It is evident that theyre lying because if what they said was true, I should get fluctuating speed. But I seem to get EXACTLY 1 mbps, which implies they have manually locked the speed to 1 mbps on purpose. The strange thing is, this is only affecting people having unlimited plans. The ones using FUP plans are always getting the promised speed. Also, the people using 1 mbps unlimited plans always get 1 mbps, but me, having paid for 2 mps, Im still getting only 1 mbps (same case with almost all 2 mbps customers) .
I searched for their terms and conditions all over the internet, but its not mentioned anywhere. Finally I contacted my cable operator and obtained a spare Metronet application form from him. But this 1: 4 ratio nonsense wasnt mentioned along with several other terms and conditions.
I wonder how this company was granted the license to operate. Im pretty sure they would have simply purchased the license by bribing the concerned people. Its high time the affected customers come together and file a case against thisfraud company in the consumer court. I have to withstand this torture until December 14th, until my subscription expires. After that Im going back to Spectranet.