I have been watching this serial for a very long time.. never used to miss it. In fact a lot of my friends/colleagues (even guys) are so interested that they rush back from office to watch it!
The plot is very nice... a family, with daughters and their families, each one having their own problems and how they tackle it... also has some light-weighted moments thrown it... a dose of some crying/sobbing now and then.... appeals to every viewer..
But of late, Im wondering where this is heading to.. some incidents presented over past few months are a little overboard. Remember, we have a lot of folks in the lower strata of society watching this too... and the director must ensure that the incidents do not give any ideas to these people
You have Saros MIL demanding money from Chidambaram to help out Nirmala... then you have Nirmalas father asking for money from Manickam after Manickam roughens him up... and in both the instances they get what they asked for.. I feel this kind of indicates that whatever FIL/MIL demand, the father/guardian of the wife needs to meet. I found this a little overboard as there are lot of cases of post-wedding dowry harassment which dont come out in the light... The director could have been a little more innovative and presented it in a different manner
The other thing that has been troubling me for sometime is the introduction of Arundhati back into the story... in the first place, showing her as running away from her marital home/wedded husband does instill a lot of ideas in adoloscent people... now after she aborts her boyfriend-now-husbands baby, she wants to get out of her marital home (again!) and go back to her parents place (with the help of her former husband)! Phew..!!! Isnt this overboard too?? It may be argued that Selvam is a nice guy.. and thats why she sought his help.. but what ideas is it giving adoloscent girls who have a boyfriend and also face objection from their parents ?
At least the first potrayal is the plot for a lot of soaps (which definitely do cast wrong impressions on the society in general and needs to be avoided) but the second is worse...
I appreciate the directors handling of the various characters in the story.. but definitely projecting an immoral act as something to be sympathized with is absolutely unacceptable.. that too with this serial being one of the most watched serials among Tamilians. I hope Tirumurugan comes up with a better twist to the plot than this....