Galaxy 5000 is a type of Three phase UPS.This is a product of APC by "SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC"company Bengaluru.Galaxy 5000 is available in different KVA ratings like 40KVA, 60KVA, 80KVA, 100KVA, 120KVA and of 50HZ.This can be available n Single as well as Parallel.
This product is very good in Energy Management System.This is the very Best product of UPS.This gives good efficiency so that it can be used in DATA centers.The Quality is very very good and always they preferred for customer satisfaction.This is very Nice and good product.
This product is exported to the many countries.This is very useful UPS in many industries like Silk, sugar factories and also in many industrial areas for giving a three phase power when there is a power cut or no power.So I would like to suggest others to get these type of ups for getting 3 phase power which in turn helps in energy saving.