We all in office planned for an outing on a weekend. I was the one who suggested MGM-Dizee world in ECR, because I remembered I had a great time during my schooldays. We planned well and went to the spot at 10.30. There was nobody there. We waited till 11 and had to search for staff to purchase tickets. We got around 6 tickets and got into the park.
All the staff were very rude and lazy to work. Most of the rides were not working and the rides that were working had seats full of rust and dirt. It was a horrible experience. The only thing that we enjoyed there was the Bumper Car. THere were totally 8 cars but only 4 were working. Roller coaster ride was also under maintanence that day. There was nothing in the park except for a very few rides. I am sure my friends will not ask me to suggest any place anymore.