One of the worst and most commercial hospitals I had ever seen. I had to visit this hospital on a small invisible injury(fell down in rain previous Night) and with a pain in right hand ankle and I was on an personal tour to Mumbai. The moment I entered before even enquiring about my problem and checking about required specialist, I was asked to make the payment for registration and the XRAY charges which was very high.(The registration charges for consultation was Rs.550/- without even knowing who is the specialist going to treat you and Rs.500/- towards the XRAY charges. No curtesy extended as I was the patient and not accompanied by any one and I had go bare the pain of going and handling all the issues without even any support).(Also, would like to make a mention about the quality of the XRAY is that it is a very old machine and there is no clarrity in the picture. The charges of XRAY are like DIGITAL XRAY but the quality is pathatic) Immediately, after XRAY, I was diagnose with a small hairline fracture and was advised a POP bandage and was given a prescription for material which costed another Rs.1300/- and was advised that it was only a temporary treatment and I was asked to consult a local doctor for a proper treatment.
When I was back to the doctor with the material for PoP Bandage, I was asked to make a payment for Service charges for making the Bandage(Rs.350/-this was criminal).
Finally, when I was back to Hyderabad on the same day evening, I had to consult a local doctor who in turn identified that there was no fracture in the hand and had asked me for a week to ware a sling which will subside the pain.
The next XRAY taken after a couple of days had indicated no Fracture to the hand and it was only a commercial intent of the hospital to loot the strangers and have no ethics / empathy of providing basic services to the patients and visitors.
Not recommend any one to visit this absolute commercial hospital. Infrastructure - Outdated, Staff Attitude - Non-supportive and cooperative. No service attitude towards patients - Both nursing and administrative staff.