This is a more advanced version of the original MI band equipped with the heart rate optical sensor to detect the real time heart rate. Comes at a very reasonable price as compared to quite a lot other fitness bands. This is of great importance during cardiovascular exercises and even during strength training.
Fat burning basically is activated when your heart rate crosses around 70% of your V02 max. In other words if your heart rate is over 130 then you are heading in the right direction. This equipment basically helps to track the heart rate and is thus of great assistance.
Apart from that it has other key components of Mi band. It helps in tracking distance covered, calories burned, effectiveness of your sleep and much more.
I love the product as it helps me increase EPOC or Excess Post exercise oxygen consumption. If your heart rate is high, EPOC is more to stabilise the body. The more is EPOC the more is the chances of fat burn throughout the day. Hence its a great way to boost your metabolism.
However one thing that is key in fat loss is the calories deficit and you can never train a bad diet. Keep a calorie deficit diet and use this fabulous gadget to make your body a fat corroding machine.
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