Talking abut the design of Mi Band 2. It has two components a capsule and a band. The band is made up of rubber so it is comfortable to wear. Talking about the capsule which fits in the band very comfortably and does not fall out in rough use. The base of is where the heart sensor is present to read the heart rate. The only problem is where the edge of the sensor keeps touching the forearms and leaves a mark on your skin. That is the only problem of this band otherwise everything else is good and cheap product to buy for all tech geeks.
Talking about the performance the Mi Band 2 features automatic sleep tracking, heart rate sensor, vibrates when receiving calls, text messages and app notifications. Please note to disable the whatsapp alerts because this might be quite irritating when the devices keeps vibrating so keep that in mind to turn it off. The band also has feature to set an alarm and wake you up with a slight buzz so you might call this a silent alarm without disturbing others by having loud alarm. Really good feature:-). All the alert can be customized by using the MI FIT App on your smart phones. The battery life is impressive and can last for a week on daily usage.
The Mi Band 2 is for 1, 999 and lesser on discounted sales portal. Very reasonable amount that one can afford it and use it to stay fit having this technology device to track your fitness level.