Xiaomis Mi Band series is the most successful series of smartbands ever. And
Mi Band 5 has successfully walked on the same path as its predecesors. Only product which only has pros and no cons.
Quality :- From the quality of band to the quality of packaging everything is top notch.
Display :- Best display under 3K budget. Amoled 1.1 inch super bright display.
Features :- This watch is totally feature packed and it can be used with various android app to increase its features.
Accuracy :- All of its reading (like heart rate, Walking, etc) are almost perfect.
Customer Support :- Great
Battery life :- Almost 10 days of battery life and good thing is that it charges quickly.
Durability :- I have been using it since 6 months and exept some minor scraches its perfectly fine.
Verdict :- Its available on amazon at just 2, 499, dont think much just go and buy. 100% RECOMMEBDED BY ME.