I would like to rate Microland zero in each and every parameter. They treat their employee as a slave. Senior mangers they do not have decency to talk. management is just like an illiterate slum people and they are not able to hold the attrition. Friends working in micro land is nothing to loose your confidence, self respect and mental trauma. hence please do not choose microland to work. its better to work as a salesman rather that microland.
Microland has a worse work environment and it is just a hell where you entered means finished your life. This company does not know how to hold their people. They do not teach their management the value of good behaviour and how to give the feed back.
Microland management one of the third grade management because few of my friends worked over their just with hell and few left and few got terminated without any reason.
Job security is zero and work environment .so sad I do not have any thing below poorest.