Hello frnds my name neeraj today ibam talk about Micromax 14 LPQ61408W . This is the most exceedingly terrible tablet ever first of all it utilizes inte pentium which is the most noticeably bad processor secondly it have 4-8gb slam and that is a decent pont however with processor like that 4-8gb smash isnt valuable with overdrive it can blast into pieces. Third It have 1tb harddisk which is useful for everybody who works in an office and Children Who simply need to study and study. Forth its realistic card are of no utilization, we cannot play ruler of persia forgotton sand in medium realistic in this portable workstation so as I would like to think on the off chance that you will get it better watch your progression it will give you an immense misfortune in cash and even it will make your child miserable so dont purchase this tablet.I must say dont by this tab