Micromax unite 2 shall be very good phone. I really liked this phone.ram of this phone was 1 gb and it is very good. phone does not hangs and I was used very good.display of this phone was very good and I was really liked this display. video quality was very good I really liked this quality.light shall be given in this phone.light was very and high in this phone I really liked this phone and I was recommend this phone to my friend and family members also.
Betry was very good aprox 3 day are doing work with out charging of this phone.this phone was very great and I ll purchse this phone again.sound of this phone was very good and lould it is very good for me because I was hearing very loud music so this sound for me was very good. style was very good of this phone I was really like this style and my wife also like this style because my wife also purchase this phone and my girlfrd also purchase this phone.
She also really liked this phone.value of money was very good of this phone. ireally liked this value and my wife also really like this value.it is very good phone.use of this phone was very good.i really liked this use and I was saying u also purchase this phone.features of this phone was very great I really like and my wife also like this phone.design of this phone was very nice I was saying u ll also purchase this phone.camera of this phone was very gud 5 mp camera are given in this phone flase light are also given in this phone and I was really liked this camera. I was click the pic at the night then photo was given very gud. this phone really should be very good and great.my all family members are used this phone they can give positive review of this phone.this phone shall be worked very well and great phone.internal memory was given in this phone 16 GB are given and u can also used external card in this phone upto 32 GB.software of this phone work very well.u can also purchase this phone.