Using this phone for almost a month now. bought it after hell lot of research. and Voila! its a really mind blowing phone at this price renge!got white one from univercell, hyderabad near kuktpally.
General myths: is too big to handle!- believe me, its not. you need to use it for a few days and you wont feel its can put in your pocket easily.and its not heavy.
2.No accesories available in the market/screenguard is too pricy in flipkart: I took a really good screenguard from shaikpet shop at 120/- one month back, and yes, it is of micromax a110 only. its available everywhere.even they had a jelly backcover as well.though I took a leatherlike hard pouch for 170/- from Abids(for samsung note 2, but fits perfectly.
3.SAR value is too high: permitted value in US is 150. value for MA110 is around 70.but, do we really need to know?.
4.Accessories given with the box is not good: yes, thats a concern.though my charger is working perfectly, left earphone is creating bad noise. but you can always opt for a good earphone if you need good music. no stock earphone except sony is good enough!
5.battery drains fast: I use it for games(temple run 1 hour a day) and browsing(one and half hour apart from phone calls(not too many of them) .my battery lasts for two days.heavy gaming continuously for 5-6 hours will drain the battery. brightness should be controlled for better battery life!
6.micromax service is not good: thats the risk worth taking. but with micromax launching led tvs and home entertainment system, the service quality should also go up. anyway, who uses a phone for more than 1.5 years now?
7 Ram and internal memory is low: you can root internal memory to install apps in ext memory(google it if you do not know what is Rooting)i m using 16 GB memory card and it works without any Lag.everybody though says RAM is low, but even with GTA 3 I never got any lag. so when you can install and use all apps then why to worry?
Call clarity is not good: never had problem till now
Phone charges very slowly: takes an hour and 15 minutes to charge fully from AC socket. from USB takes longer.
So lets see the pros of the mobile:
Screen:Excillent, Beautifully bright. good for movies and games. I have not seen such bright screen apart from ratina display and super AMOLED.colour 16 m is awsome and IPS panel makes it safe and viewing angle is very good .
Touch response: buttery smooth
Design: looks better than I phone I feel, stylish, elegant.white one is awsome
performances: no lagging till now. u can install apps to kill unnecessary processes
Camera: if you have used 2 mp or less camera till now, then this is a huge improvement. if you have used 5 mp or more, you might not feel so good with this. but if you have a stady hand, low light pics are also good. 720 p video is awsome!(check indoor and night photo uploaded)
Sound: phone sound is a bit low. difficult to understand in high noise area.
Earphone: as stated before, stock one is not good. you need to buy a good one.
3gp: it record only 3gp video.dont know whether any app is there for atleast MP4 output. doesnot support in my LG LED TV(but thats my prob)
Verdict: a must buy if you budget is around 10000 and you want to buy a good android phone. the value of performance worth 16000/- at least.