I bought micromax canvas gold A300 this phone looking good but have many problems.When first time this got some problem then I am going to service centre.His service centers employee said to me this phone having a problem internaly thats by I send it to company than I am agree and he send my mobile to company.according to his policy maximum 30 to 45 days company takes for resolving our problem but company take more than 70 days than I call micromax office than he told me your phone is send to you after 5 days.Than I again call after 7 days than he again told me sorry for delay but finally we send your mobile under 4 to 5 days.But my mobile doesnt send by company than I call again and I said I am going to consumer court and compalin against your company than he said me sir my senior want to talk you he solve your any problem than I again told about my mobile probel or his policy and I again give a warning of consumer court than they told me sir I send a upgrade version mobile of our company than he send a micromax canvas knight A350 than after some days my warranty was expired.This phone have so many problem I spend more than 2000 rupeey but this phone doesnt work perfectly.thats by I tell you friends dont buy any product of this company.