Sound reception is very bad in this phone I feel so many issues with the speakers and head Jack slot in just use of 2 months only. Worst phone built by the Micromax when it comes to the sound reception. Speakers doesnt work as you expected. Volume up and down button and speakersdont work if drop your phone twice.
It is very easy to use in man and because it comes with the 4.5 inches screen. all good things in this phone is 4.5 inches which is very handy in the hand and we can use this device with the one hand easily. But if you drop your phone twice the volume up and down button and speakers may not work again. Not worth to buy this phone because you will face many issues with the software and camera and as well as speakers also.
Style and design are very similar to the many phones which built by the Micromax. Volume up and down button at the right side of the phone and the head Jack top of the phone and charging slot at the bottom of the phone. Nothing new in this phone if it comes to the style and design.
Range of features
Camera which comes with the 5mp at the back and 2mp in the front. And the software comes with the Android 5.1 lollipop. This one comes with the 8GB internal and 1 GB RAM. Impressive this phone as GPS support also. But this phone cost upto 4500 and below 6000 there are many phones which comes with the better features love this phone like xiaomi and Coolpad. Not worth to buy this phone because there are nothing new in this phone when it comes with the software or in sensors.
Reliability and durability
Camera not works until you reset the device in just using for 2months. And but the speakers you also says many issues and also with the head back. Android 5.1 lollipop is an good software but in this phone after playing a game the phone will definitely hang and if you are a multi Tasker and Heavy game of this phone is not suitable for you.
Value of money
Not worth to buy this phone because I am under 6000 there are many phones like xiaomi and Coolpad which have better features and stable software which never hangs. I personally prefer you to Go for the another phone because this phone is not for the multi Tasker and music lovers and as well as heavy Gamers. Dont waste your money by buying this phone because you will face many issues with the camera, speakers, head Jack and also with the software which hangs hangs rapidly.