Worst Service Dont Buy
You buy a Micromax phone it is like buying a lottery ticket, you may get a good one but if you get a bad phone the service is the worst. I have purchased a A210 in October, on its arrival we found WIFI and Bluetooth were not functioning properly and submitted for they claimed to have rectified it but when I started using it found that the Volume Key is not working as well as no improvement found in Wifi and Bluetooth. The Second visit to the service center they said they will change the mother board. However on receipt of the phone we found that the IMIE No is missing for which service center Manager says it the Hardware they got from Micromax and that I should not reset the phone.In the third visit they have rectified this problem but I found the microphone and speaker are not working the basic phone itself is not working now. All this took more than one month and my phone is still with the service center.
When we tried to contact Micromax Gurgaon service center they are even more worse they dont respond at all and are worse than the executive at a Public sector bank.
Hence I recommend not to buy a Lottery(Micromax) phone else you may end up like me loosing Rs. 16000/-