I am suffering since I have purchased the phone( since oct 2013). This is high level mental harassment. .
1) Bad product sold to me( 4 times job cards opened for same problem in 3 different customer care centers but problem not resolved for almost 5 months). software hangs after every 15-20 days and new software need to be reloaded which erases all your previous data.
2) Warranty and replacement accepted after big efforts made at my end . A different product( Micromax 250) given to me without my consent and for which the repair cost of touch glass is half the cost of original phone(rs 7500).If I would had received my original modal phone( canvas 4) in warranty then its glass would had been replaced in 1500-1600 Rs. This is cheating and a big fraud. Customer care center says that it is the company cost. I would like to ask him if the repair cost for simple glass is so high then why he gave me this product in replacement, why not my original model.
3) I am getting harassed by company officials and customer care center as they are now not replacing the product nor they are giving me my money back.