I bought this Micromax canvas a1 mobile 2 years ago and I bought this because of my low budget.
But after getting this phone I was very happy after seeing nice processor and google update in this mobile. But after few months of buying this mobile, I got many problems while using this phone.
Sometimes it overheats and sometimes it shuts down automatically. And after 1 year this mobile starts dying.
I am very dissatisfied with this mobile at in budget of RS.6500 it should be work more than 2 years but gives problem only in 6 months. Now its properly shut off. And after giving my mobile in Micromax service center I was frustrated. They do not support the customer.
As they told me to come next day for getting my phone alright but every time when I reached service center they refuse to say anything and after 15 days they give my mobile to me without repairing. And in this mobile many features are present which I disliked. And screen resolution and overheating are few of them. I chose this brand because it produces cheap phone in the market. But after buying this product I feel that it was the biggest mistake and wastage of money on this mobile.