Hello everyone,
After using of 4 months. sorry 3 months ( 1 month kept at service centre)
Display not working after 10 days use. screen flickering all the times. To make sound work, you will have to spent days to find the right driver.
Windows 10 is hell buggy. Lots of bugs and lots of updates. You will need to reset OS perhaps every week.
PS : if you try boot any other OS, no you cant. The Microsoft and Micromax have build such strict UEFI firmware, that even after disabling safe boot, you can cant boot from USB.
And finally how can I forget to mention the Worst ever Micromax after sales service. They kept the laptop for 1 month and still I am facing the issue. And I doubt if I give to service centre again they would not return back. I have to put the brightness always 100% to make it least flicking.
Even they do not provide drivers online anywhere. not even available in laptop disk.
Last mistake with Micromax. Big NO to Micromax in future.