The Micromax Canvas Nitro 2 is the cheapest mobile phone which is having more features in it . But the only problem about the Micromax Canvas Nitro 2 is that it is having some external problems . This mobile phone is very slim and light weight which is very to handle but if we deal it with wrong then it will be easily damaged .
The main problems with Micromax Canvas Nitro 2 are it hangs frequently and will restarted automatically which results in slowing the process of mobile and the speaker in it doesnt work properly which results in cutting the call and have to redial again . If the person who is using this mobile wants to work properly on the mobile will not able to do it . One of the advantage of this mobile phone is that its battery is easily recharged . Anyway it is one of the cheapest smart phone which satisfies some of our uses but not all of them which we want to.