Micromax P480 Tablet is a cheapest tablet but with great features from Micromax.
Micromax is 2nd largest smartphone company and 10th largest mobile phone player in the world. Micromax is like mobile and tablets made for india.They have great features with amazing prices.
Micromax P480 has some great features in the price range.Below are the pros and cons:-
1.Latest Android V5(Lollipop)
- 5 MP front camera and 2 MP back camera.
3.1.3 GHz Quad Core with 1 GB ram which is enough if you not into heavy gaming.
4.Wi-Fi and 3G both.
5.7 Inch display
Battery back up is not so great
Not made for heavy gaming
Camera not so good in low light
I brought this tablet primarily for reading purpose so I have no complain.If you want more ram and you are into gaming buy a tablet of over Rs 13k.In price range for below 7K this tablet is a rockstar.I will definitely recommend this tablet to people who want tablets for primarily reading purpose