Telling the truth, my sister purchased this product before 2 years. She wanted a tab and this was the one which she bought with mom and dad, its obvious that for the starting few days the tab must have worked good but after few time it was a total crap! even the service of micromax is very very bad!
The screen of the tab was broken as the tab fall down from the bed and the tab was there in the micromax service center for almost 1 and a half month! and when it came back its back cover was changed! you submit your tab you receive it after a month and you check it its back cover is changed! We had to take that cover only as were not in a mood to fight. But the tab hangs a lot! its speaker is also not good and if you are still going to buy it, you are going to waste your money on a thing which means nothing. I would tell you to buy some other tab, at this price with better features and good service.