This smartphone was launched amid the clashes that were going between India and China. I think this was the biggest reason for its good debut. But personally I think that there are few things that need to be considered before spending Rs. 11-12K on a smartphone; be it Made In India or Made In China. First of all I would talk about things that must be praised like its pricing, its build quality and the hardware components. No doubt that its a good Indian choice for in terms of these aspects.
But there are few crucial things that need some improvements or advancements to remain competitive in the industry. Take example of its camera. Although its camera is of 48 MPs but youll feel that the quality of pictures produced doesnt seem to be of 48 MP. The problem is not with the hardware but with the software that has not been properly customized to fit with lens. As it runs on Stock Android so it doesnt have any annoying ads or blotware but there are some disadvantages as well. It lacks some really minute but essential features like Call Recording, Spam Call Recognition and Screen Recorder that other companies like Xiomi, Oppo etc. are providing for Free in their devices. Ultimately, it doesnt have any such thing that could make it stand apart from other alternatives in the market.
So, the conclusion is; for those who wish to put nationalism as their first priority this phone might sound a good option but just like other handsets of different brands, IN Note 1 is also being just "assembled" in India and only few internal parts are being manufactured here. For those who want a good quality for their money, this phone might disappoint them.
I would suggest Micromax to put great emphasis on its Software rather than pricing. If the quality is good then customers dont mind spending a bit more penny on it.