This is Tauseef Alam from delhi, Id bought Micromax Q3 almost 1 year back , I must say that this phone is really a value for money phone in its category. The major highlights of this phone is Battery backup, Speaker sound quality, Looks, Signal Reception quality, and of course the Pricing.Since Ive purchased this phone im very much satisfied with its performance.
Now the Cons for this phone, the first thing I dont like about this phone is its Camera Quality its vary bad, second thing is it doesnt support Mobile to PC internet connectivity with all service provider like Aircel, Reliance.and some times also support internet connectivity on mobile itself of all service provider, I use internet through GPRS of IDEA, AIRCEL, VODAFONE it was working fine but when I used Reliance GSM sim internet was not working on it.
Inbuild Java software like Opera works very fine on it but other software called Nimbuzz got hanged again and again.
At last I would say one thing about this phone its a really a good phone, Ill recommend this phone to all who is looking for a dual sim phone in this category.
Tauseef Alam