The voice transmission to the other party is very poor in this phone. I am surprised as to how people have overlooked this basic telephony feature that is a must.
This is essentially a Chinese Mobile Phone in the garb of Micromax. And you know the quality of the so-called Chinese phones.
I had purchased a Chinese phone few months ago after a couple of my friends also had bought them. I have observed a very basic and common but very serious flaw with these Chinese phones. And that is - when you are in conversion with another person, the person on the other side can not hear you even though he/she is using the best phone( Nokia, Sony Ericsson) with the best sound quality.
You have to speak really loud to make the person on the other side hear your still feeble voice. The person on the other side literally cannot hear anything if you are speaking softly, or even normally. I am willing to live with other issues of these phones but I can not compromise on the basic functionality(Voice transmission and reception).
I was fooled by reports in the newspapers about the market share of Nokia being eaten away by local mobile phone manufacturers like Micromax and others. Also, after seeing their aggressive marketing and advertisements - they have roped in filmstars, sponsored some cricketing events, etc. I thought Micromax mobile phones must be good and thats why they are managing to grow in terms of revenue and cash and managing to invest so much in aggressive add campaigns.
These manufacturers(Micromax, etc.) can not compare themselves with the likes of Nokia, Sony Ericsson, etc. I have a Nokia phone which I bought 4 years ago and am still using that and am sure I can use that for next 4 years or more. On that phone, person on the other side can hear loud and clear. I am sure quality control process of Micromax has a long way to go to match up with Nokia and all.
Bottomline - If you want to play safe and be happy, go for established brands like Nokia, Sony Ericsson or Samsung. Never fall for these Chinese Phones till they manage to sort out the basic things like basic telephony.