This is a good smart phone of microsoft.its sound jack is 3.2 like as other mobile this mobile funcation is full with window programme. Which guyz know about window that boy use easily to use this.its style is good and its ia also a thin mobile set and its desinis also good on the phone 3 keys is pesent and other the touch key is window, back, minimize and on the middle of the mobile have window key infow sign that is rally good .its range is good as lke that.its privious rate is till avilable in the market having done update we change the version of this mobile the main problem of this mobile is doing henk. Suddenly the mobile js switch off when you used thats the reason no one buy the nokia cell in he her or his life about money rate of this mobile price is over but its look is good so people buy this phone nithe this phone is noone want to buy this mobile I hope you will able to understand that mobile is good or bad its your choise .